About Marco

My name is Marco Scola. I’m a writer, podcaster, and attorney. I am crazy about sports and exploring all that life has to offer and want to share my opinions with you. My goal is to tell sports, culture, and life stories from my perspective.

I am a Chicagoan by birth, Italian-American by blood, and adopted Florida as my second home. The Chicago Cubs and Bears are the two most important sports teams in my life followed by my alma mater Northwestern Wildcats, and the Arsenal Gunners. I’ve spent enough time as a Floridian that the Miami Dolphins, Hurricanes, and Heat have seeped into my bloodstream as well.

Entertainment and Politics are also very important to me.  I've been a musician since I was two years old when my parents started me in piano lessons.  Politics entered my life much later when I started paying attention to my community and focused on a career in law to someday turn that into a run for public office. 

Cover The Field was an idea three years in the making to re-join the blogging world.  I intend to share my thoughts with you as much as my busy schedule allows.  I can't wait to share my stories. 

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Follow me on Twitter @Marco_Scola